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Abraham's Big Test(창세기 어린이 영어성경)

by !@#$1 2021. 2. 2.

Abraham and Isaac

Genesis 15:1~6, 21:1~7, 22:1~19


God promised  Abraham a son and, from that son, many descendants, who would bless the whole world.

But  Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were too old to have children.


Twenty years went by. Still,  Abraham trusted God's promise. When he was 100 and Sarah was 990, God reminded them of His promise. Sarah was going to have a baby!


When their son was born, Sarah was so joyful that she laughed. "God has brought me laughter!" she said. So they named their son Isaac, which means "he laughs."


When Isaac was a boy, God tested  Abraham by telling him to take Isaac to Mount Moriah and kill him as a sacrifice to God.  Abraham was confused, but still he trusted God.


Isaac carried the wood, and  Abraham held the knife and torch. Together they climbed the mountain. 

"Where is the lamb for the sacrifice?" asked Isaac.

"God will provide it."  Abraham replied.


 Abraham arranged the wood on an altar, tied up Isaac, and laid him on the wood. As he raised the knife to kill Isaac, an angel called his name: "Abraham!"


"Don' hurt the boy!" the angel cried. " God knows you trust His promise. Look, there in the bushed! A ram is caught by its horns! Sacrifice that instead."


So  Abraham sacrificed the ram instead of his son. He called the place "God will Provide, " because God provided the sacrifice. Just as God had said, His promise came true.




