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Waters Part and walls Fall - Entering The Promised Land(민수기, 여호수아 어린이 영어성경)

by !@#$1 2021. 2. 14.

Numbers13-14; Joshua 2~3; 5~6


Moses sent twelve spies into the Promised Land. Ten of them said, "We will never defeat the people there. "But Joshua and Caleb said, "Withe God's help, we can do it!"


Frightened, the people believed the ten spies. God said, "Only your children, With Joshua and Caleb, will enter the Promised Land! 

So, after forty years in the desert, it was time!


Joshua sent two spies into Jericho. They met a woman called Rahab, who hid them and helped them escape down the wall. They promised to spare her and her family.


The Israelites crossed the Jordan River. The priests went first, carrying the Ark of the Covenant. When their feet touched the river, it stopped flowing! 

Everyone crossed on dry land.


Jericho was next. The lord told Joshua, "for six days, march once around Jericho. Then, on day seven, march around seven times. Blow trumpets! Shout! The walls will fall down."


Joshua trusted God. He did what the Lord said, and the walls fell down! They took the city. Rahab was spared. God's people began to take the Promised Land.
