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In the Beginning(창세기 영어성경)

by !@#$1 2021. 1. 23.

Creation of the World

Genesis 1:1~2:4

We live in a beautiful World!

Just look at the amazing things around you.

Let's go back to the beginning and See what the Bible tells us about how it all begin.

In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth.

God moved over the darkness and said, "Light!" 

He called the light "Day" and He called the darkness "Night."

Day One! Done!


Then God made a space to separate the waters above from the waters below. 

He called the space "Sky."

Day Two! Done!


God gathered the waters together, and day ground appeared.

He called the ground "Land" and the waters "Seas." 

Then he made plants like grass, grain and trees.

Day Three! Done!


Then God made lights in the sky. He made the sun gor the day, the moon for the night, and all the stars.

Day Four! Done!


God made fish to swim in the waters and birds to fly in the sky.

"Have babies!"

He told them.

"Fill the world with splashing and singing."

Day Five! Done!


Next, God made animals.

He made farm animals, wild animals, and animals that crawl on the ground.

"Just One more thing to make."

God said, "the most special thing of all."

So, in His image, God made man and woman.

"Have babied. " He said.

"Take charge of the world. Care for the fish, the birds and the animals."

Day Six! Done!


Then God looked at everything He had made.

"It's very good!" He said.

So on the seventh day He rested and made that day special.

Day Seven! Done!
